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  3. Version Attention! It is highly recommended to back up your data before performing the update! Fixed Data Providers: ByBit: fixed error connecting to the ByBit Inverse Futures data provider; Interactive Brokers: fixed an error in displaying transaction prices “by market” on the chart; Interactive Brokers: fixed a bug where transaction data on the chart was displayed with a delay. Other: Fixed a bug in the operation of the "Download script" button in the "Scripts" window; Portfolio testing: fixed an error that occurred when trying to add a script containing errors; Various minor bugs.
  4. Version Attention! It is highly recommended to back up your data before performing the update! New New blocks in the editor: Block "Calculated tradable source (Instrument)" with variable price step cost; Other: The transition to the .NET 8 platform has been completed; Portfolio testing: the "Deposit" option has been added to the portfolio settings; Improved On the "Optimization" tab, the state of the "Remove negative or zero P/L results" parameter is remembered when saving the script; Cryptocurrency data provider libraries updated; Authorization in TSVerse: by selecting the main menu item "TSVerse - Sign In" in the program, authorization will be performed in the default browser selected in the system; Fixed Data Providers: Binance: fixed an error that occurred when trying to cancel an order; Binance: fixed an issue with high memory consumption when working with Binance Funding Rate; ByBit: fixed a bug where liquidation transactions by instrument were not displayed in the program; ByBit: fixed an error in displaying Trades on a Unified Trading Account; ByBit Perpetual: corrections have been made to the "Free Money" block. When working with a Unified Trading Account account, the block did not display data; BitGet: fixed calculation of commissions in agents; Deribit: fixed error loading bars in agents after data provider crash; OKX Spot: fixed a bug where orders were not placed “By market”; OKX: changes have been made to the formatting of error messages in the "Message Log"; OKX Perpetual: solved the problem with displaying the number of lots in the "Message Log" and the value of the P/L parameters in the optimization results; OKX Swap: fixed an error in placing an order when the connection to the data provider is lost; IB: fixed a bug that led to a loop in the candle loading procedure and false signals in agents. Other: Fixed an error in the calculations of the "Recovery Factor" when working with two or more instruments; Corrections have been made to the algorithm for calculating the "Maximum drawdown" for a variable position; TSChannel: fixed an error updating the values of the "API Key" parameter of the "Receiver" and "Transmitter" blocks on the "Control Panel"; Fixed an error loading the list of instruments from the folder with saved data with candles in the "Cached Data" provider; In the "Agents" window, saving of the selected sorting for the "Agent" column has been fixed; Fixed an error loading the last candle on the chart when selecting the "Session End" time in the script settings; Fixed a bug where changes made to script properties from a container could be saved without confirmation in the dialog box; Fixed bug with timeframe selection in script containers; Fixed an error in the agent trading settings parameter "Auto fix dbl. exit"; Fixed a bug where orders for the BNB-COIN instrument were not placed; Fixed an error in the algorithm of the "List of instruments" block that occurs when the connection with the data provider is lost and then reconnected; Portfolio testing: fixed error displaying data when working with several "Result for optimization" blocks in one script; Portfolio testing: corrections have been made to the drawdown calculation algorithm; Fixed an error in displaying data in the "Tick size" and "Price step cost" columns of the "Quotes" window; Fixed an error that occurred when using service characters in the name of a saved set of script parameters; Fixed a bug in the mechanism for loading indicator libraries in the "Indicator Libraries" window; Various minor bugs.
  5. Version Attention! It is highly recommended to back up your data before performing the update! Improved Data Providers: Binance: added the ability to download historical Funding Rate data; QuikLua: added an information message in the "Message Log" when the Quik terminal is disconnected from the server. Fixed Data Providers: ByBit Spot: solved the problem connecting to the data provider; ByBit: the problem of removing orders that do not exist on the exchange has been resolved; ByBit: solved the problem of placing orders in certain situations; QuikLua: solved the problem of connecting to the exchange on a schedule; Tinkoff: added the Google.Api.CommonProtos.dll library, the absence of which led to an error in the operation of the data provider. Other: Fixed a bug that led to the disappearance of "Sources" blocks from the script in case of an error loading a third-party library (*.dll); Fixed a bug due to which, when using a self-made portfolio value indicator, the agent could start with an error; Fixed an error in the formation of the first candle on the chart when the start and end times of the trading session were set in the agent’s trading settings; Portfolio testing: fixed error in working with the "Result for optimization" block; Fixed an error in the simultaneous use of the "List of instruments" and "Tradable Instrument" blocks in the script; Fixed an error in sorting the values of a saved set of parameters on the "Parameters" tab of the script; Fixed a bug where the "Parameters" field was no longer displayed in self-made indicator blocks; Fixed an error in launching the script in a certain situation with an external indicator library; Fixed an error in displaying parameter values in saved sets on the "Parameters" tab of the agent; Various minor bugs.
  6. Version Attention! It is highly recommended to back up your data before performing the update! New New blocks in the editor: Block "Format message". The block allows you to create a message with numeric values. Work with string formula is supported. Agent trading settings: Added "Auto fix dbl. exit" option. Automatically aligns position if double outputs are detected. For this option to work, you need to enable the "Automated closing (bars)" option; Added option "Stop if Timeout". Stops trading by an agent if the waiting time for a response from the server indicating that the order has been accepted is exceeded (the value of the "Order Timeout" parameter can be set in the "Program Settings"). Other: New "Indicator Libraries" window showing status and information about loaded third-party indicator libraries (*.dll). Improved Data Providers: ByBit: added support for a single account for the Spot and USDT Perpetual markets; ByBit: added USDC swap instruments (instruments with PERP ending, for example BNBPERP); ByBit: if the connection to the server is lost, the provider will continue to work for 15 seconds, waiting for a reconnection; ByBit Spot: added exchange conditional orders; Tinkoff: corrected quotes for futures; OKX: The option "By market as a limit plus %" has been added to the data provider settings. Other: Cluster analysis. Added abbreviations to block names: "Trade Statistics Extremum Price " - (POC); "Trade Statistics Upper Level" - (VAH); "Trade Statistics Lower Level" - (VAL). Changes have been made to the "Cache Settings" option of data providers. The parameters "Storage period of transactions" and "Storage period of executed orders" have been combined; Updated working day calendar for option blocks; Repository Manager. Added display of the time the record was created in the "Creation Date" column; Block "List of instruments". Improved loading and alignment of instrument bar history. Fixed Data Providers: Binance Futures: Fixed an issue that caused delays in issuing orders; Interactive Brokers: fixed display time of "My trades"; Interactive Brokers: fixed a bug due to which data on completed orders did not get to the agent; Interactive Brokers: corrections have been made to the process of placing limit orders; KuCoin: the server time synchronization problem has been resolved. Added automatic time update in the program equal to one minute; OKX: the process of updating order data in case of receiving information about an error when placing or canceling it has been improved; Various errors in the work of suppliers have been fixed: Binance ByBit BitGet Interactive Brokers Other: Notification Manager: fixed a bug that blocked messages when using the "Show messages from script with name" filter; Repository Manager: fixed a bug where the calculated Sharpe and Sortino ratios were not included in the saved optimization results; Corrections have been made to the ToString() method of the OptimProperty optimization parameters in the TSLab API; Portfolio testing: corrections have been made to the calculation of the “Profit”; Fixed a problem with data discrepancies on the “Optimization Results” and “Results” tabs of the laboratory; In the "Central Strike" block for the "Shift strike" parameter, the ability to accept negative values has been added; Solved the problem with importing parameter values with the same name when transferring a set of parameters from one script to another; Fixed an error that occurred when loading a script with an unconfigured instrument in Source blocks; Fixed a bug where orders continued to be sent after the agent was stopped; Various minor bugs.
  7. Version Attention! It is highly recommended to back up your data before performing the update! New Data providers: Added new data provider: KuCoin; Other: Agent trading settings: Added the "Stop if Timeout" option, which stops trading by the agent if the waiting time is exceeded; In the "Optimization results" table, a "Mark" column has been added, which allows you to mark the selected rows. Improved ByBit Inverse Futures: API V5 support has been implemented for the data provider; OKX: In the data provider settings, the "Calculation of lot at face value" option is enabled by default; Portfolio testing: portfolio calculation algorithms have been optimized, RAM memory consumption has been reduced; On the "Log" tab of the laboratory, a display of script recalculation time has been added; The broadcast of screenshots from TSLab has been reworked: the broadcast setting has been moved from the "Program Settings" to the context menu of the "Tab" (right-click on the name of the "Tab"); the broadcast is assigned to the selected sheet, which makes it possible to create several broadcasts; broadcasting is carried out either to the TSVerse server or to a local disk. Removed the ability to broadcast images to Google Drive, DropBox and to a remote server. The function to automatically disable the "Hide Links" button in the Lab Editor is disabled when adding a new link between blocks; The Autotrading Control Center window. In the "Creation Date" column, filtering will be performed only by date without taking into account time; When saving changes in the agent, an information message has been added to the "Message log"; The possible number of characters in the name of a set of script parameters has been increased; Fixed Data Providers: Binance Futures: resolved the issue of connection loss when working with multiple Binance data providers at the same time; Binance: the problem of loss of connection with the data provider during connection has been resolved; ByBit: fixed commission calculation on the "Trades" tab; ByBit: the problem of long-term connection to the exchange has been resolved; Alor: the problem with processing fictitious transactions on the St. Petersburg Exchange has been resolved. In the data provider settings, the option “Do not ignore zero trade volume” has been added (disabled by default); Quik Lua: fixed a bug that led to double exits from a position; Various errors in the work of suppliers have been fixed: Binance ByBit OKX Other: The cache for loading trading statistics has been optimized; Fixed an error in saving a new agent name; Fixed an error in the operation of the "Risk Management" module that affected the values in the "Balance price" column of the "Positions" window; Fixed an error in entering block parameter values for a simple chart; The problem with multiple submission of orders when the Linked orders mode is enabled has been resolved; Optimization results: when you cancel saving results to the repository, the tab name is not deleted; Various minor bugs.
  8. Version Attention! It is highly recommended to back up your data before performing the update! Fixed The critical problem of uncontrolled position acquisition when using multiple position change requests has been resolved.
  9. Version Attention! It is highly recommended to back up your data before performing the update! New Data providers: ByBit: API V5 support implemented;; ByBit users, please note that as of October 16, the ByBit exchange will no longer support the old version of the API V3. We recommend updating TSLab to version in advance. Other: The "Disable price correction" option has been added to the laboratory properties. The option only works on historical data; TSVerse project: Translation of workspace images from TSLab to TSVerse has been implemented; A new block "CCI" has been added, in which inconsistencies in the calculations of the CCI indicator have been corrected. Previous version of CCI block renamed to "CCI (old)"". Improved "Autotrading Control Center" window: added ascending sorting for the filter in the "Ticker" column; Message log: the agent name has been added to the message “The previous operation with the request is still in progress”; Agent "Parameters" Tab: "Collapse", "Expand" and "Load" buttons have been added under the tree of parameter sets from the script; the highlighting of the last loaded set works on both trees; in the middle table (in which the parameters are displayed) sets from both trees are now added: script and agent; if the value of any parameter changes for a loaded set of parameters on the “Optimization” tab, then the flag of the loaded set on the “Parameters” tab is cleared; Optimized deletion of orders in the "My Orders" window when disconnected; Agent Control Center: program freezing when opening a list of deals (with a large number of deals in the cache) has been eliminated; Saving optimization results: in the "Select results from the Repository" window, the columns "Creation date", "Record count", "File size" have been added; when saving optimization results in the repository, the name of the tab with the results changes to the saved name; Portfolio testing: on the "Strategy Correlation" tab in the "Name" column, records are aligned to the left; added an "Include" column allowing you to add or exclude strategies from the calculation of overall results; For the "Save to Global Cache" block, the "Do not trim" option has been added. When the setting is enabled, the data will not be trimmed by the number of bars and by dates; Changes have been made to the table of the "Agent Control Center" window: the "Calculated Position" column has been renamed to "Common Position" and moved to the end; a column “By agent trades” has been introduced - calculated position for agent transactions; a column "Δ Agents" has been introduced - the absolute value of the discrepancy between the brokerage position and the settlement position for agents; the “Align” button has been added to the “Δ Agents” column - places a limit order with the specified value; the column "Δ Summary" has been introduced - the absolute value of the discrepancy between the brokerage position and the calculated one for agents; the “Align” button has been added to the “Δ Summary” column - places a limit order with the value of the total discrepancy; "Action" column removed. Fixed Data Providers: Binance: fixed a bug where instruments were not displayed in the provider settings; Binance: fixed a bug causing the message "Server rate limit exceeded"; ByBit: fixed order expiration error; Deribit: fixed the minimum lot value for options; Deribit: the formation of values in the "Balance price" and "Assessed price" columns of the "Positions" window has been corrected; Transaq: the problem with incorrect display of account balance has been resolved; Fixed various bugs in data providers: Binance ByBit OKX Other: Repository Manager: fixed bug with resaving imported optimization results; Control Panel Editor: fixed a bug that caused displacement of selected objects on the control panel in the laboratory editor; Fixed an error that occurred when loading optimization results; Fixed a bug where the Laboratory and Agent tabs were included in the list of open windows (Main menu - Windows); Improved algorithm for replacing block names in the "Formula Editor" of the "Formula" block using a global search in the Laboratory editor; Changed default directory for storing text data for offline providers; Fixed a bug where it was impossible to launch an agent that used the "List of instruments" block; Solved an issue where it was impossible to link an order to an agent if an option was used as a trading instrument; Parameters: fixed a bug where the saved set of parameters for a container could contain extra parameters (from deleted blocks); Fixed a bug where the price of a partially executed active order was incorrectly determined, causing it to be re-issued; Fixed a bug where the lists of available parameter sets disappeared in the agent's "Parameters" window when saving a new set in the source script; Fixed a situation where, after launching the program, before the transaction history was fully loaded, agents could start working; Agent Profit Chart: Fixed the algorithm for calculating the Median Profit when there are positions outside the current history; Changes have been made to the calculation of the Results of the script in the Laboratory when several orders are triggered on one bar; Fixed a bug that caused memory leaks during optimization; Fixed a bug that led to double exits from a position in multi-order mode; Portfolio testing: fixed a bug that caused the data calculation process to freeze; Various minor bugs.
  10. Version Attention! It is highly recommended to back up your data before performing the update! New Added the ability to save and load optimization results; Changes have been made to the script container key format: Containers created in earlier versions of the program can be loaded on version Containers created in version cannot be loaded in earlier versions of the program. New interfaces and methods of TSLab API: INeedVariableParentVisuals - List of names of parent blocks (sources) separated by a semicolon; INeedVariableParentIds - List of identifiers of parent blocks (sources) separated by a semicolon; INeedVariableParentNames - List of names of parent blocks (sources) with parameters separated by a semicolon; Methods have been added to the IRuntime2 interface to get information about agents; Improved Data providers: OKX Perpetual Swap и Futures: added filling of columns "Upper limit" and "Lower limit" in the "Quotes" window; ОКХ Perpetual Swap: fixed lot size; Interactive Brokers: added multiple deletion of old contracts; Interactive Brokers: the process of connecting to the data provider has been optimized, the connection speed has been increased; Deribit: added support for XRP_USDC_Perp contracts; Binance: added reloading account data when restoring a broken WebSocket connection; Other: Block "Profit (whole period)": added parameter "Direction trades" (All, Buys, Sells); "Import/Export Values" blocks: added the ability to work with the "Control pane" block; "Scripts" window: added the ability to filter the "Name" column by the name of Catalogs; When creating a copy of the script, the setting of the selected optimization mode is saved (Random, Brute force); Export to Excel: the name of the saved file is substituted with the name of the script or agent; "Scripts" window: added "Agents count" column. Shows the number of agents bound to the script. Hidden by default; Portfolio testing: Added "Change portfolio name", "Edit portfolio" and "Clone" buttons. Button icons have been changed; Portfolio testing: added "With a securities" button. When adding scripts, it is possible to select default instruments (the instrument selected in the "Tradable instrument" block of the script); Portfolio testing: corrections have been made to the filters of the "Settings" tab of the portfolio; Portfolio testing: improved sorting by the name of the scripts in the "Settings" tab of the portfolio; Fixed Data Providers: OKX Perpetual Swap: fixed a bug that caused double exits from a position; ОКХ Perpetual Swap: fixed bug in profit calculation; Bybit: fixed a bug that caused double exits from a position; ByBit: Fixed an issue that caused the data provider to take a long time to load; ByBit Perpetual: fixed a bug that caused a discrepancy between open positions on the exchange and in the agent; ByBit: fixed a bug that caused the data provider to freeze after losing internet connection; Binance Futures: fixed error connecting to data provider; Binance: fixed a bug that caused the message "Client order id is not valid" to appear; Interactive Brokers: fixed errors in the work of the IB data provider in conjunction with IQFeed; Interactive Brokers: fixed error loading own deals when reconnecting to a data provider; BitMex: fixed bug in profit calculation; "Positions" window: fixed errors in the displayed data for crypto exchanges; Fixed various bugs in data providers: Binance ByBit OKX Other: Fixed a memory leak during optimization when using graphs of non-threaded processors; Risk management module: fixed a bug in the "Limit of long position by volume in money" option; Agent parameters: fixed a bug when a new set of parameters from a script was not displayed in a disabled agent; Block "Control panel": fixed a bug where the specified restrictions on the values of block parameters did not work; Security sets: sorting for instruments in the table has been fixed; The problem with the discrepancy between the data obtained on the "Optimization Results" tab and the data from the "Results" tab of the script has been solved; Block "Decompress": corrections have been made to the operation of the block; Fixed the problem with unexpected termination of the program in case of using several sources of trade data in the agent; Fixed the problem with the impossibility of placing an order at negative prices; Fixed the problem with the execution of the signal with the "Many exit signals" option enabled and the simultaneous use of related orders has been solved; Fixed a bug that caused the swap file to overflow during optimization; Fixed a bug that caused an unexpected termination of the program when switching between tabs and script windows; Fixed error copying blocks from one script to another; Block "Change Limit price": fixed errors when working with negative prices; Fixed an error that occurred when correcting a double exit from a position after clicking on the "Forget errors" button; The problem with saving the program configuration when working with options has been solved; Fixed a bug in the "Search" button of the Laboratory editor; A bug has been fixed that caused the indicator settings to fail if the set of parameters loaded into the script does not contain these indicators; The problem with saving the path to the backup folder is solved; Risk manager: fixed a bug where when the "Allow orders at a loss" option was enabled, the filters "Time intervals when trading is prohibited" were ignored; Fixed the problem with saving column settings on the "Trades" tab of the agent; Added setting of the workspace modification flag when changing the option board in the control panel; "Parameters" window in the agent: fixed rounding of fractional numbers in the parameter values table; Changes have been made to the formulas used to calculate the Sharpe and Sortino ratios; Fixed a bug that did not allow updating the container after its expiration date; "Agent's trading settings" window: fixed operation of the "Sort parameters alphabetically" button on the "Parameters" tab; Various minor bugs
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