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How do you create chart with different of 2 products

Will star

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On 9/11/2019 at 6:08 PM, Will star said:

can you please share some example with formula 
it doesn't work the same as a spreadsheet  like =if( XXX < XXX,"BUY","SELL") 


Probably I misunderstood you again, sorry.
The block formula syntax is here. https://blog.tslab.pro/KB/4-programma/skript/panel-instrumentov/sluyoebnye-elementy/formula-i-logicheskaya-formula-sintaksis
But we do not provide line formula and we don't use any simple language for buy sell.
You can build algorithms using blocks in the editor.
Each block has its own function.
If you need to enter a position, if X is more than Y, and if you need to flip the position, if X is less than Y, have a look at the examples I have attached.


X__Y.tscript IF_THEN_ELSE.tscript

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